2024 Endorsements
Jacksonville NOW PAC proudly recommends these candidates for the 2024 Election. Federal endorsements are based on recommendations by National NOW. Support for candidates is based on their positions on the NOW core issue areas: Reproductive Rights & Justice, Racial Justice, LGBTQ+ Rights, Economic Justice, and Constitutional Equality.
Contributions are made by the Jax NOW PAC to endorsed candidates in state and local races.

President/Vice-President, U.S. Senate & House

Florida Legislature
Florida Legislature
Other Local Offices

Constitutional Amendments

Retention of Florida Supreme Court Justices

Three extremist Florida Supreme Court justices appointed by Gov. DeSantis tried to block Amendment 4 from being on the ballot this November, despite more than one million voters across all political affiliations and from every corner of Florida signing petitions to let Floridians vote on abortion access. Two of those supreme court justices, Renatha Francis and Meredith Sasso, will be on your ballot this November. Hold these extremist DeSantis appointees accountable by voting NO on their merit retention.
Voting no on retaining these radical justices will let the politicians in Tallahassee know that we are paying attention and it will send a strong message that Floridians won't stand for their rights to abortion, birth control, and IVF being denied due to the extremist 'fetal personhood' ideology embraced by the DeSantis appointees on the Florida Supreme Court.