2024 Legislative Priorities

Jax NOW has adopted legislative priorities in eight key areas to guide its advocacy efforts during the 2024 session. These priorities reflect our commitment to reproductive rights, education, social and human justice, inclusion and economic equality. Jax NOW was actively involved in the We the People coalition, which came together to propose more than 100 research-based strategies for presentation to the Duval Legislative Delegation.
Watch for alerts on ways you can get involved in our advocacy efforts!

Democracy & Voting Rights
Restore voting rights to returning citizens without fees
Provide accurate information to returning citizens regarding their voter status
Implement a Voters Bill of Rights
expansion of voter registration
provide voting precincts in areas where transportation is limited and on college campuses
make VBM status permanent
eliminate the Election Security Office
Implement automatic voter registration with the issuance of driver's license
Gun Violence/Domestic Violence
Ban assault weapons
Restore required background checks and firearm training for all gun purchases
Require that gun owners receive training regarding safety, including storage for firearms, including ammunition be stored separately from firearms
Maintain the waiting period to purchase firearms
Pass legislation removing rights to own a fire arm from domestic violence perpetrators
Pass legislation allowing those who are pregnant and incarcerated to serve their sentences after delivery
Eliminate the statute of limitations in sexual assault
Ban the use of electronic devices to track people without their consent;
Expand access to Social Security spousal benefits for individuals who divorce due to domestic abuse;
Train healthcare providers to better identify and treat individuals who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, or dating violence; and
Allow individuals who are experiencing dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault to break their lease without adverse costs
Expand Medicaid
Eliminate abortion restrictions
Remove barriers to disability services for adults and children, end the wait list
Address infant and maternal mortality rates with increased funding, services and oversight
Increase services for mental illness and substance abuse
Protect healthcare providers who serve LGBTQ+ patients and those who provide reproductive health care
Address healthcare disparities
Eliminate the universal voucher program
Fully fund high quality, full day VPK programs
Protect students’ right to learn, eliminate book bans and restrictive curriculum
Require age appropriate instruction on human health and sexuality from K to 12 including LGBTQI+ topics, contraception and abortion information
Insure support for LGBTQI+ students
Teach accurate African American History
Fully fund public schools, including salary increases for teachers
DEI-Racial Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Repeal Stop Woke legislation
Support removal of confederate monuments
Protect local officials who remove monuments from punitive actions
Support DEI Programs in private and public arenas
LGBTQI+ Rights
Support a statewide nondiscrimination law to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas including employment, housing, public accommodations, health services child custody, and military policies
Ensure civil rights protection for all members of the LGBTQI+ community
Support marriage equality
Add explicit protections for hate crimes based on gender identity and expression
Improve HIV prevention and treatment
Create a culture of inclusion in schools by countering bullying, harassment social isolation, and bigotry with statewide policies
Constitutional Equality
Pass the Equal Rights Amendment
Economic Equality
Pass Equal Pay legislation