From the link below:
BAM did not submit candidate questionnaires in this race and we've had trouble learning more about who to support. But conversations with people who know more about this race suggest Harrison & Deacon are best qualified.
Please go to this link for the candidate statements:
CANDIDATES IN GROUP 3: Eugene Ford III and Demetris Harrison
CANDIDATES IN GROUP 5: Ray (R.J.) Deacon Jr. and Bryson Kade Morgan
Other links for the candidates:
The information below was copied from:
Duval County Soil & Water Conservation District Group 5
What motivated you to run for office?
Ray (RJ) Deacon, Jr. I grew up on a farm learning Environmental conservation. It has always been a project and passion of mine. So why not educate others
Bryson Kade Morgan As someone who grew up in Northwest Georgia, I was raised on a farm and grew up learning about environmental stability and growth. Moving to Jacksonville 8 years ago I have grown tired of how the city is handling the largest city in the Continental United States when we have vast resources in the environment.
What is your plan to engage and communicate with organizations and the public after you are elected?
Ray (RJ) Deacon, Jr. To create a website, and email list, be as transparent as possible.
Bryson Kade Morgan I plan to work with public schools and organizations to reach out to citizens and keep them updated on how new city projects are affecting the environment and giving them a “grade”. This grading system will involve how the city is using its resources to ensure the environment here in Jacksonville will be sustained. Between leading events with my other elected officials to creating my own center for environmental causes it is time we ensure Jacksonville’s beautiful landscape is preserved and NOT erased.
Duval County Soil & Water Conservation District Group 3
Eugene Ford III Candidate has not yet responded.
Demetris Harrison: I am running for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I believe it is my civic duty and responsibility to give back to the beautiful city of Jacksonville that I adore so much. Furthermore, my family resides in Jacksonville, and I want to do my part to ensure that they have environmental sustainability. If elected, I will work indefatigable to address the Soil and Water Conservation issues. I am a dynamic leader with experience in Research & Metric Analysis. I bring invaluable experience steering strategies and implementation. Reputation as a self-directed individual skilled at developing strong relationships with clients of varying backgrounds. My first priority is to create an unprecedented level of awareness regarding the conservation of Soil and Water. “If we want to move the needle and bring awareness to the community, we must first change the conversation.” I will do this by changing the “context” surrounding the Soil and Water Conservation concern(s). I will create a comprehensive plan that will highlight the issues pertaining to the "Natural Resources in Duval County." In addition, this plan will measure the level of awareness and community involvement leading to a better environment for the citizens of Jacksonville.